Wirtschaftsaktivitäten mit erheblichem Beitrag zur Anpassung an den Klimawandel

Der Anhang II der EU Taxonomie ist aktuell leider nur in Englischer Sprache erschienen. Der folgende Inhalt wird in Deutscher Sprache bereitgestellt und digitalisiert, so bald er verfügbar ist.



1. Forestry

1.1. Afforestation

1.2. Rehabilitation and restoration of forests, including reforestation and natural forest regeneration after an extreme event

1.3. Forest management

1.4. Conservation forestry

2. Environmental protection and restoration activities

2.1. Restoration of wetlands

3. Manufacturing

3.1. Manufacture of renewable energy technologies

3.2. Manufacture of equipment for the production and use of hydrogen

3.3. Manufacture of low carbon technologies for transport

3.4. Manufacture of batteries

3.5. Manufacture of energy efficiency equipment for buildings

3.6. Manufacture of other low carbon technologies

3.7. Manufacture of cement

3.8. Manufacture of aluminium

3.9. Manufacture of iron and steel

3.10. Manufacture of hydrogen

3.11. Manufacture of carbon black

3.12. Manufacture of soda ash

3.13. Manufacture of chlorine

3.14. Manufacture of organic basic chemicals

3.15. Manufacture of anhydrous ammonia

3.16. Manufacture of nitric acid

3.17. Manufacture of plastics in primary form

4. Energy

4.1. Electricity generation using solar photovoltaic technology

4.2. Electricity generation using concentrated solar power (CSP) technology

4.3. Electricity generation from wind power

4.4. Electricity generation from ocean energy technologies

4.5. Electricity generation from hydropower

4.6. Electricity generation from geothermal energy

4.7. Electricity generation from renewable non-fossil gaseous and liquid fuels

4.8. Electricity generation from bioenergy

4.9. Transmission and distribution of electricity

4.10. Storage of electricity

4.11. Storage of thermal energy

4.12. Storage of hydrogen

4.13. Manufacture of biogas and biofuels for use in transport and of bioliquids

4.14. Transmission and distribution networks for renewable and low-carbon gases

4.15. District heating/cooling distribution

4.16. Installation and operation of electric heat pumps

4.17. Cogeneration of heat/cool and power from solar energy

4.18. Cogeneration of heat/cool and power from geothermal energy

4.19. Cogeneration of heat/cool and power from renewable non-fossil gaseous and liquid fuels

4.20. Cogeneration of heat/cool and power from bioenergy

4.21. Production of heat/cool from solar thermal heating

4.22. Production of heat/cool from geothermal energy

4.23. Production of heat/cool from renewable non-fossil gaseous and liquid fuels

4.24. Production of heat/cool from bioenergy

4.25. Production of heat/cool using waste heat

5. Water supply, sewerage, waste management and remediation activities

5.1. Construction, extension and operation of water collection, treatment and supply systems

5.2. Renewal of water collection, treatment and supply systems

5.3. Construction, extension and operation of waste water collection and treatment

5.4. Renewal of waste water collection and treatment

5.5. Collection and transport of non-hazardous waste in source segregated fractions

5.6. Anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge

5.7. Anaerobic digestion of bio-waste

5.8. Composting of bio-waste

5.9. Material recovery from non-hazardous waste

5.10. Landfill gas capture and utilisation

5.11. Transport of CO2

5.12. Underground permanent geological storage of CO2

6. Transport

6.1. Passenger interurban rail transport

6.2. Freight rail transport

6.3. Urban and suburban transport, road passenger transport

6.4. Operation of personal mobility devices, cycle logistics

6.5. Transport by motorbikes, passenger cars and commercial vehicles

6.6. Freight transport services by road

6.7. Inland passenger water transport

6.8. Inland freight water transport

6.9. Retrofitting of inland water passenger and freight transport

6.10. Sea and coastal freight water transport, vessels for port operations and auxiliary activities

6.11. Sea and coastal passenger water transport

6.12. Retrofitting of sea and coastal freight and passenger water transport

6.13. Infrastructure for personal mobility, cycle logistics

6.14. Infrastructure for rail transport

6.15. Infrastructure enabling road transport and public transport

6.16. Infrastructure for water transport

6.17. Airport infrastructure

7. Construction and real estate

7.1. Construction of new buildings

7.2. Renovation of existing buildings

7.3. Installation, maintenance and repair of energy efficiency equipment

7.4. Installation, maintenance and repair of charging stations for electric vehicles in buildings (and parking spaces attached to buildings)

7.5. Installation, maintenance and repair of instruments and devices for measuring, regulation and controlling energy performance of buildings

7.6. Installation, maintenance and repair of renewable energy technologies

7.7. Acquisition and ownership of buildings

8. Information and communication

8.1. Data processing, hosting and related activities

8.2. Computer programming, consultancy and related activities

8.3. Programming and broadcasting activities

9. Professional, scientific and technical activities

9.1. Engineering activities and related technical consultancy dedicated to adaptation to climate change

9.2. Close to market research, development and innovation

10. Financial and insurance activities

10.1. Non-life insurance: underwriting of climate-related perils

10.2. Reinsurance

11. Education

12. Human health and social work activities

12.1. Residential care activities

13. Arts, entertainment and recreation

13.1. Creative, arts and entertainment activities

13.2. Libraries, archives, museums and cultural activities

13.3. Motion picture, video and television programme production, sound recording and music publishing activities

Quelle (Englisch)

Europäische Kommission

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